For This Child I Prayed
By Angela Buck
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about this word? Maybe your thoughts go to a beloved family member, a precious friend, or maybe something amazing that someone has done for you?
How often do we think about the true definition of a word?
Webster defines extraordinary as, “going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary; exceptional to a very marked extent; employed for or sent on a special function or service.”
My husband and I were able to go to the Holy Land of Israel in 2011. It was, most definitely, the trip of a lifetime and something that has left a tattoo on my heart and soul for the rest of my life.
The most profound moment of our journey was visiting one of the possible locations of the garden tomb of Jesus. Let me clarify a few historical facts: archeologists and historians have two possible locations for the exact burial of Christ and we visited both sites. Knowing that we were celebrating the event of His resurrection and not worshipping the place, it was very easy for us to get caught up in the majesty of His presence and glory.
We waited for quite some time to enter the tomb, as there were many people there trying to just catch a glimpse of what was possibly the exact place where Christ rose from the dead!
As I entered the tomb and looked around, I felt the Lord speak to my heart and I heard Him say, “I did this for you.”
It was profound.
It was breathtaking.
It was Extraordinary.
The Lord stirred my faith and hope in who He is — in an “exceptional and very marked extent.”
In Hebrews 11:1, The New Living Translation says this about faith, “What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.”
Now, let me paint a time-lapse portrait of my journey of faith and hope, through the lens of bareness and the journey of adoption. (If you have ever watched a time-lapse video on Instagram… get ready, this will be crazy fast!)
January 2012: My faith was stirred greatly when we started an adoption process with a young, pregnant woman and we journeyed through the entire pregnancy with her.
July 2012: A precious baby girl was born. However, the birth mom decided to keep her sweet baby; leaving me broken and without a child.
August 2012: The birth mom was overwhelmed and wanted to release custody of ‘baby girl’ again and we took her into our home with arms wide open.
One week later, the birth father contacted us and informed us he wanted custody of the ‘baby girl’. I was left broken and without a child…again.
It was a complete rattling of my confidence and faith in what I had been preparing for. It literally shook me to my core and then a little more.
No one can really predict the emotions an adoptive mother goes through, while waiting to ‘be chosen’. But to be chosen, rejected, chosen and then removed…. It was almost unbearable.
October 2014: My faith was given a chance to be stirred again when we started ANOTHER adoption process with a young, pregnant woman.
I wasn’t certain my heart could handle motherhood slipping from my grasp and shattering my dreams yet again. But, God is faithful and He promised a future and hope in Him, NOT in our circumstances.

January 2015: A precious, baby boy was born and we were in LOVE at first sight! The Lord allowed my husband and me to become the parents of this precious baby.
We gave him the name: “Elijah Joel”. Elijah means, “Yahweh is my God” and Joel means, “The Lord is God”.
My husband named him and we considered it significant because — Not only is He OUR God, but, He showed up in a mighty and active way. He demonstrated to us that — He IS God.
Our sweet son, Elijah Joel Buck, has given us a life we could have never imagined. When he was placed in my arms, again, the Lord spoke to my heart and I heard Him say, “I did this for you.”
It was profound.
It was breathtaking.
It was Extraordinary.
From the moment I became a parent, the Lord poured a nurturing love into me — love that I never realized existed. And, I’ve been on an EXTRAORDINARY walk of faith I never knew I needed.
Throughout this motherhood journey, I’ve had to walk out —and live with — the FAITH, HOPE, and CONFIDENCE that God has a perfect plan and His will, will be done. My faith has been stirred beyond my imagination and beyond my capacity.
Where does your faith stand today?
Have you been through circumstances or events in your life that have caused you to waiver in your faith?
We are not called to a burden-free life but we are called to an EXTRAORDINARY life of joy and peace given to us by the GOD OF HOPE!
Here is a gentle reminder:
Even when the moment doesn’t make sense and the journey doesn’t seem to be going right — GOD is in control.
His plans are greater than ours and when we fill ourselves up with Him, He pours out an extraordinary, confident HOPE that cannot be shaken.
Romans 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (NIV).

Meet Angela Buck!
Angela is a self-proclaimed Jesus Freak! She’s a music Pastor’s Wife, Mommy to Elijah Joel, Singer, Bible Study Teacher, Women’s Ministry Leader, Fitness Fanatic and Foodie!
She serves in full-time ministry at Genoa Baptist Church in central Ohio. And, if you ever have the pleasure of meeting her — you’ll find out instantly that she has an amazing laugh! Follow Angela of her Social Media:
Visit her website:
The Comments
I lived this story in the shadows and joy, but seeing it in writing brought tears to my eyes once again. I marvel at the grace of God and His provision and love, not only for Angela and Kerry, but for sweet Elijah Joel. Only God could have known who the perfect parents had to be for this child.
Angela Johnson
CindyAmen! So wonderful that you had a front-row seat to this beautiful story unfolding!
God truly is good and brought the right baby/child to Angela and Kerry. ❤
Angela Johnson
DonnaAnd the perfect parents to him! Praise the Lord!