DAY 11: Our Guard
“For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.”
John 1:17
“Before the way of faith in Christ was available to us, we were placed under guard by the law. We were kept in protective custody, so to speak, until the way of faith was revealed. Let me put it another way. The law was our guardian until Christ came; it protected us until we could be made right with God through faith. 25 And now that the way of faith has come, we no longer need the law as our guardian.”
Galatians 3:23-25
For many of us, a candlelight Christmas Eve service has become a meaningful part of our holiday celebration. It’s a wonderful time of gathering together as a family to purposefully reflect on the birth of our Savior and what that means to us as believers. The soft lighting, beautiful music, and flickering candles make for a stunning effect, invoking awe and appreciation for the moment.
Upon entering the room, before settling into your seat, you’ll generally receive a small white candle and a warning to keep your lit candle upright to avoid spilling hot wax. Most commonly, you’ll find the candle surrounded with a disc to catch the drops and protect your hands. The drip protector seems like such an insignificant part of the evening as a whole, but I imagine if you had to endure the melted wax running down your hand, onto your shoes and dress apparel, the thought of a candlelight service would conjure less feelings of awe and more of dread and discomfort. In order for us to enjoy the beauty of the luminous display of candlelight, the drip guard must be in place to protect us.
As humanity waited for the light of the world to come in the birth of Jesus Christ, God sent a guard to protect His people in the form of the law. Part of the call on Moses’ life was to deliver God’s law to the Israelite people.
It’s easy for us to look through Scripture and see the burden of the law. At first glance, it can appear to be a massive list of do’s and don’ts; one that was impossible to keep completely. However, if we are faithful to acquaint ourselves with the character of God and take time to read through the laws with some historical context, we will find it is a guide book birthed out of great compassion and concern.
God’s love for His people has been evident from the beginning of creation. His plan for redemption was set in motion from the first act of sin. The faithful provider that God is would never allow His people to be left despondent and aimless in their pursuit of Him. The law of Moses, found in Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy, when viewed correctly, is transformed from a severe list of rules, to a brilliant guidebook to life. God lovingly gives the Israelites direction on how to navigate any situation. He instructs them on how to live and behave in a way that is God-honoring; bringing the greatest good to them and those around them. Knowing there would be many failures and missteps along the way, God also provides a way of atonement through sacrifice.
You and I can celebrate with overflowing joy that we live in a day of the law fulfilled. Through Christ’s life, death, and resurrection the law was fulfilled in its entirety and is no longer our standard of living. When Christ ascended to Heaven, He left the Holy Spirit with us to be our constant companion and guard. Through God’s divine power, we now have everything we need to live godly lives (2 Peter 1:3).
Today is a great day to thank God for the guards that He has provided that help us enjoy a full life. We have the Holy Spirit who is our counselor and constant companion, the Word of God which brings instruction, correction and encouragement. We also have Christian leaders, pastors, and countless books and podcasts that can all act as guides to provide Biblical instruction and help us live in the fullness of God. These divinely-given guards provide the ability to embrace the light of God in our lives, and help us be the light to the world around us.
Daily Challenge:
What can you thank Him for today?